This sweet little painting is simple to paint.
1. Apply Masking fluid to star, snow, mouse whiskers, and eye highlight. Let dry completely.
2. Wet the background with clean water then apply Indigo Blue. You'll want the Blue darker at the top and fade lighter toward the horizon.
3. Use a watery mix of Payne's Gray and Perylene Green to create trees in the distance. Use a less watery mixture of Perylene Green and Sap Green for the trees in the foreground.
4. Use Light Brown to paint the mouse. Use a darker brown for the shadows. Build them up in layers. letting the layers dry before adding another.
5. The mouse's eye is painted with Lamp Black or a thick mixture of Payne's Gray.
6. The inside of the ear is painted with a mix of rose and brown.
7. Add some white Gouache to the snowbanks on the ground and to the tree branches.
8. Once dry, remove the masking fluid and enjoy your sweet painting.
9. Optional: Outline the painting with gold metallic watercolor.