How to Paint a Sunflower with Viviva Colorsheets

beginner watercolor watercolor watercolor demo Aug 12, 2021

In my last blog, I introduced you to watercolor color sheets from Viviva.  If you missed that blog post you can find it here :

To further investigate these rich, vivid colors, I decided to paint something with them. Seeing how Fall is coming up, I decided on a bright yellow sunflower.  I used the sketchbook Viviva sent to me. The paper is hotpressed and smooth. 

Here are some things I found:

  • These watercolor paints create sharp details on hotpressed paper. 
  • Some of the colors are highly staining and sink into the paper almost instantly. This makes them very difficult to soften and lift. 
  • The colors are very saturated and vivid. They remind me of transparent inks.
  • The colors will stain your hands but will wash off in a day or two. Dawn dish soap works best to remove it quickly. 
  • The color range is a little limited unless you buy the other color sheet "collections." I only had the Original and the Spring sheets.   

Overall I love the look of this finished sunflower. The paints weren't very difficult to work with and I love the transparency and vibrance of the finished painting. I'm going to continue to experiment with them and I'll let you know more pros and cons of the color sheets as I finish my experiments. 

Here are some of the paintings I've completed using the color sheets.